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??? Celebrate #Canada150 with #HKIFF. Watch #WindowHorses and meet director #AnnMarieFleming tomorrow or this Saturday!

about 7 years ago 9 likes  0 comment  0 shares

? 【電影節每日影訊】低調樂團耍酷的銀幕奇蹟

改編自日本人氣樂團 #GReeeeN 出道故事的《奇蹟,降臨的一天》在4月17日於香港文化中心舉行國際首映。香港國際電影節觀眾先睹為快,看得爆笑又拍手,現場氣氛熱烈。映後,導演 #兼重淳 現身解答影迷的提問。

全文請按 http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/detail?id=72

? [#HKIFF41 Festival Daily] Kiseki: Sobito of That Day: Creating the power of music on screen

Adapted from the story about the launching of the popular but low-key Japanese band GReeeeN, Kiseki: Sobito of That Day made its world premiere at HKIFF41 on 17 April at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre....Read more

about 7 years ago 82 likes  0 comment  1 share

? 【電影節每日影訊】重塑港產恐怖 《#失眠》世界首映

? [#HKIFF41 Festival Daily] Insomnia, curses and...hot dogs

全文請按 Full article: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/detail?id=70

HKIFF #TheSleepCurse #黃秋生 #衛詩雅 #麥子樂

about 7 years ago 34 likes  0 comment  3 shares


? No worry if you missed the second seminar of "Paradigm Shift: Post-97 Hong Kong Cinema" yesterday. Festival Daily coverage is coming soon. Stay tuned.

HKIFF Colin Geddes #ThomasSotinel #StephenTeo

about 7 years ago 18 likes  0 comment  2 shares

?【#HKIFF41】韓國電影《#你還會在嗎?》首映禮昨晚在香港國際電影節舉行。電影由洪智暎執導,青龍獎影帝金倫奭、《未生》《六龍飛天》卞約漢,及《我的忐忑人生》蔡舒辰領銜主演。好榮幸邀到導演及女主角蔡舒辰出席首映禮。明天 9:45 pm 還有一場,購票從速 ;)

? #WillYouBeThere gala premiere at #HKIFF last night, with Director Hong Ji-young and main actress #ChaeSeoJin. One more screening tomorrow 9:45 pm.

당신거기있어줄래요 #채서진 #홍지영 #변요한 #김윤석

about 7 years ago 17 likes  0 comment  2 shares


? Populist politics from the inside out. This documentary offers a kaleidoscopic vision of street politics, desperate clients, myriad interested agents, and complexities of parties and power in contemporary India. #hkiff

Screening details of #AnInsignificantMan. Grab your tickets now! 19/4 19:30 Hong Kong Arts Centre 23/4 14:00 The Metroplex

about 7 years ago 14 likes  0 comment  0 shares

?【電影節第七日】 《#失眠》 秋生叫大家睇戲帶定膠袋傍身,費事嘔,雖則入得場嘅都睇慣重口味??? Michelle話呢部係三級片,所以好難做宣傳,希望大家用FB、IG幫幫手~ 麥子樂多謝大家支持香港電影,有你地嘅支持,先會有更多好嘅港產片。

? [#HKIFF41 Day 7] #AnthonyWong, leading actor of #TheSleepCurse suggested the audience to keep a plastic bag... You know, just in case ? #MichelleWai #BryantMak #HKIFF #cult

黃秋生 衛詩雅 Michelle Wai 麥子樂 Bryant Mak

about 7 years ago 79 likes  0 comment  11 shares

? #香港國際電影節 《#失眠》導演版首映現場。香腸 + 茄汁 = 非血腥微劇透。#未開場好食哂佢喇 #我驚大家睇完唔敢食 #黃秋生 #衛詩雅 #麥子樂 . ? #HKIFF41 Day 7: #TheSleepCurse gala premiere. Serving sausage + Ketchup... #nomnom #foodporn

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about 7 years ago 43 likes  0 comment  7 shares

? 【電影節每日影訊】社區放映會—《#聖之青春》

社區放映會第一場節目《聖之青春》於4 月12日舉行,放映後請來影評人劉偉霖主持映後談。劉解說:「這電影沒有女主角,是一個男人的世界。飾演村山聖的 #松山研一 也說,聖是男主角,他的對手羽生善治(#東出昌大 飾)就是女主角。這不是說他們之間有同性戀關係,而是說他們是兩個對立點。羽生不是純粹的敵人,而是跟聖互補。」


? [#HKIFF41 Festival Daily] Community Screening - Satoshi: A Move for Tomorrow

Satoshi: A Move for Tomorrow was the first community screening of the 41st HKIFF, held on Wednesday 12 April and followed by a sharing session hosted by film critic William Lau.

"This film is about a world of men. Women have no place here. Matsuyama Keni...Read more

about 7 years ago 10 likes  0 comment  0 shares


今天下午5:30至晚上9:30在文化中心二樓有 #HKIFF 書刊特賣場,還在放假的你快把握機會衝啊~

? [#HKIFF41 Day 7] Make sure you check out the exhibition at Cultural Centre when you go to our screenings! There will also be book sales from 5:30 to 9:30 pm on 2/F today. Don't miss it!

about 7 years ago 28 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Hong Kong International Film Festival

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March 18, 2009