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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 細田守親筆簽名曝光‼ Precious Autograph from Director Hosoda ‼】

✍ 細田守導演送給香港國際電影節的心意。謝謝! A gift handdrawn by director Mamoru Hosoda for HKIFF. Thank you! ?

夏日國際電影節 #細田守 #大師班 #MamoruHosoda #MasterClass

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 創意實驗之作 Creative Experimental Film】‬

✂️?️13百搭之一鏡映畫 日本動畫固然是世界頂級,實驗之作亦別具一格!一場、一鏡、一剪,成了一個完整故事;在13部超短編映畫集裡,矢口史靖及鈴木卓爾回到初心,示範如何以有限資源發揮無窮創意。看看預告片,就算不懂日文,也可感受影像魔力。

✂️?️ONE PIECE International Classics – Movie Brain – The Japanese is not only famed for their animation output, but also the spirit of experiment. One scene. One cut. One complete story. Directors Yaguchi Shinobu and Suzuki Takuji demonstrate the magic of boundless imagination in 13 “one piece” stories. Take a glimpse of the power of creativity in this trailer (in Japanese).Read more

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【明報】‬ ‪ ‬ 「意大利導演維斯康堤(Luchino Visconti)的《#魂斷威尼斯》,被形容為恍如雕刻出一件頹廢又淒美的藝術品... 維斯康堤拍美少年,真是拍到入心入肺入骨入髓,由叫Björn Johan Andrésen的瑞典男孩來演,戲中男孩眉清目秀,蓄著一頭曲長金髮,在《魂斷威尼斯》的演出之後,他驚艷了世人,成了電影史上最吸引人的美少年。」

??本片將於 #意大利電影週 2018(#CineItaliano! 2018)放映。

‪?️節目及購票詳情Programme and ticketing details: http://www.cine-italiano.hk/zh-hant/

DeathinVenice #BjörnAndrésen

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 細田守「神秘男子」之謎 The Secret of Mamoru Hosoda's “Mystery Men”】‬

? 細田守導演昨晚出席《#怪物之子》放映後的大師班,被主持袁建滔導演問到為何片中女主角都會愛上來歷不明的男子時,答道:「初邂逅就一眼望穿對方,多乏味呢!保持神秘感,逐點去認識一個人,可更加有趣。觀眾看見神秘角色出現,會勾起好奇心,想發掘秘密,從而吸引他們追看下去。」✨

? In the Master Class after the screening of THE BOY AND THE BEAST last night, Mamoru Hosoda, when asked by guest moderator Toe Yuen about the mysterious men in most of his works, said, “For a girl to know everything about a man at first sight, how boring would that be! Keeping a sense of mystery, it would definitely be more interesting...Read more

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【#CineFan - 成瀨巳喜男生辰 Naruse Mikio's Birthday】

??黑澤明推崇的導演,蘇珊桑塔口中最優秀的,小津說《浮雲》是他想拍也拍不來的。三年前香港國際電影節及Cine Fan回顧了大師12部傑作。你最喜歡成瀨的哪一部作品呢??

??Admired by Kurosawa Akira, highly praised by Susan Sontag, Naruse Mikio was honored in HKIFF and Cine Fan three years ago. Even Ozu Yasujiro considered FLOATING CLOUDS "a real masterpiece". What's your favorite film of Naruse’s??

成瀨巳喜男 #NaruseMikio

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【#HKIFF43 – 報名參展 Call for Entries】


CALL FOR ENTRIES -- submit your film for the 43rd Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF43) by 31 December 2018. Looking forward to your submissions!

?詳情 Details: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/society/#/Call_For_Entries_step

香港國際電影節 #HKIFF

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 細田守大師班 Mamoru Hosoda's Master Class】‬



Tonight’s Master Class with Mamoru Hosoda is over. Mr. Toe Yuen, the director of MY LIFE AS MCDULL had an interesting dialogue with director Hosoda. Yuen asked, “why do the leading actresses in your works always fall in love with strangers?” ?

Why so? The answer will be revealed tomorrow. Stay tuned! ?

夏日國際電影節 #細田守 #大師班 #袁建滔 #MamoruHosoda #MasterClass

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夏日國際電影節的柯德莉夏萍回顧專題已開始,Enjoy our selection for you! ❤️


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‪【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 隆重開幕 Grand Opening】‬ ‪ ‬ ‪?夏日國際電影節2018今天揭開序幕!開幕禮由香港國際電影節協會主席王英偉博士主持,出席嘉賓包括開幕電影《未來的未來》導演細田守、第43屆香港國際電影節大使郭富城及青年大使余香凝。‬ 今年夏日國際電影節票房已超過八成,多謝支持!????

‪? SummerIFF2018 opened tonight! The opening ceremony was officiated by Dr. Wilfred Wong, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society; the director of opening film MIRAI, Mamoru Hosoda; the HKIFF43 Festival Ambassador, Aaron Kwok; and Jennifer Yu, one of newly appointed Youth Ambassadors.‬ ‪The attendance rate of SummerIFF has already been over 80%. Thanks for your su...Read more

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【??#CineItaliano – 意大利電影週今日賣飛 Tickets on Sale Today??】

Benvenuto! 意大利電影週又來了!今年來到第七屆,意國佳作繼續光芒四射~~ ?開幕電影是奇情驚慄片《DOGMAN》,橫掃意大利銀絲帶奬最佳影片等八項大奬,康城影帝馬些路方堤更將光臨開幕禮 ?《情迷拿坡里》是浪漫迷離愛情故事,導演法贊奧斯帕特將出席映後談與觀眾會面 ?修復經典《魂斷威尼斯》,大師維斯康堤的華麗與唯美至今仍令人驚豔 八部獲獎好戲,八款南國風味。門票今天開始發售!

Benvenuto to the 7th edition of Cine Italiano! Who can resist the charms of Italy? ?Opening film is DOGMAN - a crime thriller winning 8 Italian Silver Ribbon Awards including Best Film. Cannes Best Actor Marcello Fonte will attend the opening ceremony ?NAPLES IN VEILS – Ferzan Özpetek, director of this fascin...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009