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today is 下雨天

            来北京一个礼拜了,一个礼拜的训练还是很见成效的,今天是礼拜天下雨,睡的好香,本来计划昨晚要出去放松一下,但是我的头好痛,因为我多喝了几杯。一大早打了电话和我的师傅,约他在王府井的利生见因为他今天在教日本太极拳联盟。见到他很开心,我们一起吃了午饭,然后把我送到平安大街,好久没有在雨天里走路了,回想起来有个7-8年了,所以今天我是淋着雨走回什刹海的。奥 沿途逛了好多小店,也进了吴裕泰买了两包茶,因为现在是春天,新茶刚刚下来,哈哈,想起喝到地道的龙井已经10年前了吧。恐怕再喝到龙井村的龙井是不太那么容易了。回到酒店的第一件是就是煲水,喝茶,原来,看下雨,品茶也是很暇意的一件事。

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beijing again

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大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

tomorrow - beijing

DM,tomorrow I will go to beijing for two weeks hard traning. time is fast I am in HK one week already.hulala. I dont know beijing right now still cold or not. but I need go there.traning and meet some one help me do wushu schools staf.o this time I meet my old friend. dareen from KA to, but right now he move to macau do Cirque do soleil  brand new show in veneccen.also I lot of my friend come to. haha, for next month I really need go to macau do the game amd see you guys.also for this time other friend branden come to town to but I dont ha...Read more

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

I am in HK

I am in HK right now. was long fly 14 hours. I will stay HK for one week than will go to beijing for hard traning,yeb befor the Asian game only one month left so I must be ready.very  happy see my family since two month ago.this week I will take easy traning and spend time to my famliy.just befor hard traning have to enjoy this short breake.

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I am in HK

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tomorrow I will go back HK

haha finally I got back to HK. sine two month ago I left HK .I went Europ and usa. most day I spend to Drive LA Vegas ..Vegas LA. because I move out Vegas .right now I decide to live LA.I know life is hard to move I mean. holp this is my last time to move. May 11th will have Asian game in Macau so I must finsh this job. you know what I realy fell sick about the Games. to much politics .I think that why wushu cant join to olympic.I love wushu this is my life but I dont like they let wushu to be politics. this time I will be very enj...Read more

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares

santamonica beach

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大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  17 评论s  0 shares

wushu school in LA

       I am try open wushu school in LA right now. everything slow going. I need fin some very good ,sharp logo about wushu school. some one if can give me some good idea? last week just keep very busy meet some friend. realy need fin some  place to shoot to. I will back HK on 5th April. need finish Asian Games. holp game finish soon ,than I can 100% to do wushu school. in further holp difrent county wushu team can came to my wushu school traning in California.

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares

wushu school in LA

       I am try open wushu school in LA right now. everything slow going. I need fin some very good ,sharp logo about wushu school. some one if can give me some good idea? last week just keep very busy meet some friend. realy need fin some  place to shoot to. I will back HK on 5th April. need finish Asian Games. holp game finish soon ,than I can 100% to do wushu school. in further holp difrent county wushu team can came to my wushu school traning in California.

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

LA- beach


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香港, 香港
September 25, 2007