Eric Jacobus
演员, 导演, 武术指导
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Skyward - Day 8 - 2008 May 3

Ed and I went down to San Leandro and met with an investor today. Nothing but positives there. Ed and I didn't even have to sell him on the product. He said, "All I care about is that you guys do your thing and make some killer fight scenes." That's easy. We don't know yet how much he is going to invest, but Ed and I are confident that no matter the amount, we can get by on what we have so far. More money would be a bonus. I'm really tired now, as I usually don't stay up until 2am, so I can't th...Read more

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Skyward - Day 7 - 2008 May 2

I made some small adjustments to the scrīpt that can bring out some hate during the finale. Clay's childhood is a lot worse now. I didn't make a big deal of it, but I changed it from being kicked in the head to being hit with a belt. That's what damages his left eye. He also uses belt in a very brief love scene. And lastly, during the end fight, Gibson is beating the hell out of his right eye, and makes it swell shut. Gibson gives him a moment, during which Clay pulls off his belt and cuts the swelling open with the...Read more

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Just some notes

I'm just going to import the blog that I'm writing in my Facebook account. Skyward's a new action film we're working on that takes place in Northern California. I guess it's a modern western.

That's all! I've been posting frequent journal entries about it, so keep reading.

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Skyward - Day 6 - 2008 May 1

I spoke with Ed yesterday about some technical aspects of Skyward, and apparently one of the problems with the Red One is that when shooting high-speed action, the image comes out blurry. I started doing some research to see what I could dig up.

I found a website that hosts Red footage: http://www.redrelay.net/. It takes forever to download this stuff, but JESUS CHRIST it looks good.

I also read up on "rolling shutter" problems. This is the blur we&...Read more

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Skyward - Day 5 - 2008 April 30

Thought I might as well make an update today considering my situation yesterday. After work I pulled into the parking spot behind my pad, and I saw that the upstairs tenant's back door was wide open, with water streaming out from inside. I went up there and saw that things were moved about, but didn't see the tenant right away. I went downstairs into my place, and behold, a shower had formed above my bed. The ceiling was leaking like cheese cloth, and I scrambled to assemble a fort of blankets to absorb all the nasty w...Read more

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Skyward - Day 4 - 2008 April 29

I just read something that could help the story out a little:


"A disorder of the visual system that is characterized by poor or indistinct vision in an eye that is otherwise physically normal, or out of proportion to associated structural abnormalities."

This sounds like a deficiency that Clay could have. Thing is it could technically be caused by some trauma as a child, insinuating that Clay could have suffered some abuse when he was very young, perhaps before Devon was born.

...Read more
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Skyward - Day 3 - 2008 April 28

On Friday Ed and I met up with our hopefully-Director of Photography, Greg Ephriam. The guy's on the same page as we are. We're hoping to schedule a shoot with him once he physically has his Red One camera. We've also decided to shoot Skyward in 2K rather than 4K. There's simply no good reason to shoot 4K right now, especially for something that probably won't go past DVD release. Even if it did, 2K's good enough for projection. 4K's just ridiculous. It takes up way too much space, and it would cost...Read more

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Skyward - Day 2 - 2008 April 22

I guess I'm moving along quickly enough. Compiled a list of questions with Ed to ask Greg (the DP I want to hire).

Last night I worked on the scrīpt some more and added another action scene for Gibson (Matt). It's not a lot, but I'm having him put more pressure on Ronnie (Ray), and at one point sits with Ronnie, Steve (Dennis?), and Terry (Troy?) while they try and get some money out of Devon (Chelsea). They don't really get anywhere, Devon walks out with a payment plan, and Gibson beats the other 3 guy...Read more

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Skyward - Day 1 - 2008 April 18

I need to both consolidate some villains and make a new one. I'm throwing around a lot of people right now in this 'family', but the head of it needs to be the brain-villain. Matt can be more ruthless that way.

I reiterate: writing is hard. I'm not 100% confident in what I've written, and if I show it to a good writer, I know it's going to get trashed somehow. But if I don't work with most of what I have, I'll have to rewrite it, and I'll never make this damn movie. That's been m...Read more

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Skyward - Day 0 - 2008 April 17

This is my first blog since conceiving Skyward.

Why I can't seem to take a passion and turn it into a working scrīpt, I don't know. Maybe it's because I impose some pretty severe limitations on myself:

  • It has to have fight scenes

  • It has to have a final fight scene

  • It's not a movie 'about' martial arts

That doesn't SEEM so bad, but your basic story structure involving a villain would probably surmise that the villain has the ...Read more

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Please check my main website at www.thestuntpeople.com for our crew films and bios!


english, cantonese
San francisco, United States
April 28, 2008