Official Artist
Edmond Kan
Actor , Animal Trainer/Handler , MC / Show Host
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So my daddy just came to Shanghai to visit, and just left....

Haven't seen him in 2 years which is pretty much the longest time I've been 'away'.  With the power of information/skype/msn however, it seemed like I was never really gone from anything in the first place.

So he came to see one of my training sessions (his first) - 3 tiny mini-daschunds - he was more surprised than the owners of how quick the doggies changed and was happy to see for himself at how much I enjoy what I do - and also fascinated at how the cli...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


Back from training a husky today, and success! The people did the homework, and the dog is under control! A really cool family - husband from belgium, wife from italy, two little girls and a (once was-crazy) Husky. It's funny and also quite rewarding to help people and see changes within (what i think) is a short period of time. In this one, 4 weeks - dog no longer drags people down the street but walks nicely on the side - once the 'terror' of the community and management complaints... what really made me smile was the husband said he ca...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


Evolution.  The ability to change.  Adaptation.

A friend and one of the purest people I know, once said to me that it is not the ability that you have, but it is how you use it in your environment that counts the most.  The way you can adapt and move forward from where you are.

I don't really feel settled in one place.  Is anyone?

A great man once said:

do not calibrate yourself to the people around you. for you know how well you have done and how much you have really put in.  If you can leave saying you have left no...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Destroy you..

i am at the end of it human.  today, working/baby sitting 2 x 6 month old Chow mix. 

The maid called them crazy with good reason.  Yesterday owners came back to two puppies with bite marks/scars/bleeding all over the neck and head. 

Left alone, seems like neither dog wants to stop so I gotta be the one to make them. 

Achieving focus from a dog, and respect - is fun, is rewarding - to me in a sense that I have achieved something that the owner not only dreams about but in most cases have no imagination vivid enough to car...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Life Source

Life Source - ICS International Channel of Shanghai

A short 5 minute video of the first time meeting of: Friday (my dog) with Tim Wu (main actor).

The making of... <<柒>> "Seven" - a short movie based in the mountains of Zhejiang.

In the film, Friday follows Tim Wu around various scenes and snow mountain terrain and caves.


over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

From dogs to departure

Hi, and amazing to YOU who reads.  For entries here that I will: want to - share. Know, my life, we are unable to share experiences but you can only recreate your personal experiences to relate to the words that I elicit on your screen.

More and more, entries can expand your story, but will never really, ever, never, understand mine.

About me - I train dogs.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
March 11, 2008