whats happening in china..??? how come we couldn't log-in 'facebook','youtube','yahoo','apple daily'...etc,.....
damn china !!! whats wrong!!!????
this is my first time to GUIYANG, seems quite a good place n nice food here...,hahhaa... but why ppl here said dont go out at nite??? ummm.... anyways gota rehearsal today then show tmr,...
finally done this 5 months project 'H3M',always took so long to work with eason, hahhaa....
this is a very commercial album,wish u everyone like it!
also 9 songs from the original members of 'Moving On' tour,so im the one too... hahahaa....
n i love this cover,everyone looks so damn COOL.... HEHEHEHE......
enjoy !!!
hi guys,..
hvnt update my blog for awhile,becoz i hv been working non-stop,doing eason's tour n finally finished EVA CHAN,KARY N JUNO project,.....
happy to working with 24 herbs for juno's remix song,guys,it was fun !!!
hahahaa...its time to show all the snare drums i ve got !!!
i only got 19 for now,but im sure i will get more soon or later,.....
check it out !!!
finally set up my new DAW at home,then i can write more songs n music,.... hahahhaa....
this is the most simple set up of my history ever,its just a G5,Motu 828,a pair of YAMAHA speakers,Philips 22' Monitor n My Lovely R3!
im happy to work with all those,easy n simple !!!
happy !!!
finally done 90% of HARDPACK mixing,....really tried to get the sounds like GREEN DAY or MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE,... but not that easy!!!
luckily my fren CY borrow me a external WORDCLOCK,...hahaha....this is Fxxking awesome,sounds more like it now,im very happy!!! hahhhaaa......
wish to share with everyone of u now,but i can't!
wish all of u will like it too....!!!
hi all,...
finally done 14 shows,2 more to go.....
feeling tried n pain on my shoulder already
,...damn !!!
some pics share wv u all...
finished 6 days of eason chan's rehearsal,gonna play our 1st show tmr,....16 shows,yeah baby!!!
wish me luck !!!
some pics in the rehearsal room.....
hi all,...
finally finished all recording session with 'HARDPACK' at last saturday nite!
thank u guys,u guys ROCKS!!!
i will try my best to make it sound GOOOODD..... ahhaha.....
cheers !!!