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Berton Chang
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computers can end you

its been bad couple of weeks. some far 2 of my computers have been downed by some sort of failure or another, not necessarily related to viruses, well one was hardware failure, the other actually was a virus. I've been avoiding the site because I don't want the computer to know that I'm complaining about it behind its back. I think of it as a girlfriend, you can totally enjoy her company but sometimes you just want to bag on her, you know talk behind her back.

Other than computer troubles, I've been working a li...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

So honored sometimes

Sometimes you really get honored when someone asks you to do something. Take for instance what happened just recently. I was asked to judge photo at a monthly photo forum, the Cathay Camera club. Its a rather old camera club, heck, I remember hearing about it when I was in high school. And I got to say it was quite a nice experience and bubbled up some old memories of my art school days. I love talk about photography. Its not about cameras or techniques, I think most people can take good pictures, but making great pictures takes a lifeti...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Just don't get hit in the face

I don't think I've been hit in the face so many times in a week, its probably because I'm an a-hole or maybe I like watching people get hit in the face. but when push comes to shove, I think I'll just step aside.

This weekend was certainly an interesting one: Saturday 9am-7pm - Blow an award for a photo shoot; Saturday 10pm-3am get slapped around by a girl I don't know and strangely, like it; Sunday 3pm-8pm - watch grown men kick the crap out of each other in a professional K-1 Kick boxing match,...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

Theme of the day: the rich get richer

Sadly my poker skills, or maybe even my poker luck has changed dramatically. The tables turned last night, the first round especially. I've got a good memory for these kind of things so don't think I'm a total dork - well, I am.

Anyway it was the regular group and its starting to work itself out. One memorable round was from unknown player 1, three 5's on the table with unknown player 2 and Jason in his wake. To the showdown, Tobin lays out 2 pair, player 2 with higher 2 pair and sneaky player 1 ...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Beach, boat and poker

Ah, sorry about not blogging for so long, been a little busy and been a hermit. But there's a fair bit of sorry telling to do, so lets get to it.

This last Saturday was Bob's birthday. We decided to spend the day on the beach. At first I wasn't aware of which beach was reported having the Shark's carcass getting stuck in the shark net (proves once and for all it does work) but after a couple of hours at this beach I decided to take a walk, scope the place out. Upon returning the entrance I notice a sign indicatin...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

What? Two entries in one day? And 'The Review' issue I

A double header? Yes indeed. I've felt compelled to say more and tip more hats. First off, Dax Phelan. If you haven't checked out his page, please do -


Even though I only hung out with the guy a couple times over the little while he was in HK, it was certainly entertaining to witness the comedy between Tobin and himself. I thought that was at least enough material for a 10 m...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Weapon of choice/The first victim is....

Barring my true feelings about the weather, I've started the motion on that huge boulder know as 'the project'. And the first victim is....Kim Chan, one of out esteemed videographers. His studio is so cool I had to start with him first (and also because he's leaving soon for a new project). I wanted to start with my good friend and partner in crime Jason Tobin but his new place quite 'finished' like Kim's place. Others in the line have been mentioned, others haven't - Terence, Andrew, G...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Please don't go outside, you're just going to get wet

Ok, ok, I really hate the humidity. I really wish I could wear shorts all the time, where that t-shirt (unbranded) and just be me. But for crying out loud, I'm a professional, I have to look decent when I pick up a job, respectable like.

Today was one of those days where I had to look respectable. I had to look decent, and it just so happened that the weather sucked. I wish I hired an assistant but it was a quick job. You can claim you don't sweat in this weather but there's no...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

A day to scrap yourself off the ground

There are two things I like to do when I wake up in the morning, one is eating a good breakfast the other is feeling good when I wake up. This is one of those days where you wish you didn't wake up. No no, its not like I felt like dying, well yes it is because I was so hung over, and I must admit, still a little buzz from the night before. Hot Pot rules too.

And for those other unfortunates that had to scrap their bodies from their bed, I feel your pain. Oh and I woke up with someone elses keys on my desk.<...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

as to the WIRED link


heres the WIRED link to those that haven't seen the picture. doubt you did cause WIRED isn't an easy find here in HK.

In the midst of all of this, I've even come up with another project which I've tentatively called 'The Feeders'. Its got a horror genre mofit riding on it simply because I find it interesting.

Many apollogies to any people I haven't repli...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


ah ha!

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english, cantonese
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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007