Tonight went to YSL event, when i walk up to the press area, 我叉錯腳跌左落台,好痛!!
因為地板同Press台都係黑色!! in dark area 睇唔到 !! Bad >.<
In ESCADA show yesterday !!! Me and Mars took a photo !!!
But it look really unreal<<<fake, byt it is not !!!
too many thing happening, too tired, too too, too three and too busy !!!
Now is time to upload back my drawing !!
因為一件事令我發覺到<等 >的存在,所以四處找人談談<等 >的感覺和故事。
等prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
不同人在...Read more
This was a very great night !!
Great DJ, Great Singer, Great Party and >>>>>> Great Photographer hahahahaha !!!!
Yo !! You Should come, Join and Enjoy next time !!!
1) Edmon photo are so nice !!! I hope one day i will have an exhibition like him !!!
2) New-photos upload pls have a look :) see in Edmon Exh Blog yesterday and album...
3) Busy day last night Philia >>> M1nt >>> Mink >>> Q97 How come have so many event !!!
4) >.< Clown Lesson will be coming soon, Art men pls come and join
適合工作上需要領導才能, 卓越溝通技巧及一切服務行業的人士
課程: 3 堂,每堂5 小時 ( 共15 小時)
日期: 3 月22 日 - 24 日時間: 下午1 - 6 時 :全部工作坊均以英語授課
地點...Read more
I really dont know that artwalk is that big..... all the gallery link together with some
restaurants....after this year !!! i will tell more people to join for the next one in 2009 !!
$450 ticket, u can eat and drink in all gallery with seeing and watching different kind of art work..
How cool it was !!!
I only can use !!! <---- to show my feeling
to see more pls go to
Read more
Filming by Sasha & 梁二
Video editing by 梁二
It is nice and fun
我在做什麼呢? 有時真的想不清。
停一停,諗一諗是不是真的有用? 還是會引致發白日夢?
多重人格 是否因太多的活動及工作 而成? 還是白日夢過多?
記住 !! 不要諗 !! 因為你一諗 就會等於多了 活動及工作, 一諗就好快入夢, 一諗多過自己或超出自己的角度,那可能有 多重工作 vs 多重人格 的出現。
party, event, job & work are all real
吹咩-梁氏娘是-梁二 突襲 alive not dead 你當我什麼,我便是什麼。 我的手也因你哭了>>>因為我愛你但也怕你,因此手心全是汗!! 瘋人日誌,關我乜事。