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Private i Salon Group Hair Show 2010

Invited by my hair sponsor Private i to be one of the artist model in their Essential Looks 2010 show today (9/30). The show starts at 7:30pm in Festival Walk. Call time for me today is 3pm. It was a really busy day for me, as I was working on another project right before my call time. Arrived Festival Walk Private i at 3pm and start working on my hair by my hair stylist Ling @ Privat...Read more

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Judging for Heroes2 Stars contest

Spent this Saturday judging for the environmental superstar contest organized by Heroes2, an environmental NGO along with Enrico Kwong (Singer / Music Producer), Viann Liang (Artist), Victor Tse (Music Producer/ Song Writer) etc. The strong response and environmental vision of the young people who have signed up to take part in the Heroes2 Stars Contest is very encouraging. I am very happy meeting with the contestants at the interviews today, and looking forward to the up-coming environmental day camp and workshops!Check out...Read more

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

招募 HEROES2 環保男女新星組合

想發揮你的表演天份? 想成為明日之星? 想為環保出一分力?快d黎參加 HEROES2 環保新星大作戰!!!Wants to become a superstar? a  TV host? an environmental ambassador?Become a HEROES2 superstar!!Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph26ZZ72iDU 招募 HEROES2 環保男女新星組合 任務: 環保組織 HEROES2 將會透過考驗入選者的口才  , 環保知識 , 才藝等 , 選出 3 男 3 女成為  HEROES2 新星完成各個環保任務,關注香港社會及環境。  HEROES2 環保新星將會在 一年內擔任 HEROES2 T...Read more

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Book Signing @ Hong Kong Book Fair

Haven't updated my blog for a while, finally have some time to update what I've drafted and wanted to publish days ago haha...Last week was a big week for me becoz it's my 1st time having a book signing and a book launch press conference at the Hong Kong Book Fair at the Hong Kong Convention Center.The week went by very fast and fulfilling. There were just so many touching moments that I truly felt from all my family, friends, publisher, and supporters. I really want to say thank to everyone who has been loving,...Read more

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares

風雨不改與基層兒童遊書展 JuJu(陳鈺芸)行動証明《美麗是活出來的》

[if gte mso 9]> Normal/o:Template 0/o:Revision 0/o:TotalTime 1/o:Pages 2/o:Characters 1/o:Lines 1/o:Paragraph...Read more

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Book Signing @HK Book Fair - JuJu《美麗是活出來的》書展簽名會

書展活動 (地點: 香港會議展覽中心)

Book Fair Activities (Place: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center)

2010.07.22 (Thurs) 11:00-11:45 新書發佈會 - 展覽廳3E「年青人天地」活動區

      Press Conference - Hall 3E Activity Room

2010.07.22 (Thur) 19:00-20:00 簽名會 - 展覽廳1B (皇冠出版社 1B-B16 攤位)

                              Book signing - Hall 1B Crown 

Publishing Booth B16

2010.07.24 (星期六) 20:00-21:00 簽名會 - 展覽廳1B (皇冠出版社 1B-B16 攤位)

Bo...Read more

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Some latest news and interview clippings

July 7 issue of East Week

358期 2010-07-07出版 p114   名人新世代   困不住的金絲雀陳鈺芸

Online version: http://www.eastweek.com.hk/index.php?link=contentdetail&articleid=7442 早前參選港姐面試,被喻為「菲版謝婷婷」的富家女陳鈺芸(JuJu),父親是坐擁逾億身家的跨國公司亞太區總裁,自小 她便猶如一隻矜貴的金絲雀,在萬般呵護中長大。只是漸漸長大,她對千篇一律的...Read more

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Cable TV Interview "周日不講理"

Invited as guest in Cable TV News Channel's  weekend live show called "周日不講理". The topic for this episode is "AA" or "All Pay" between couples in today's HK society.

At the Make up hair dre...Read more

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares


我的新寶寶(首本著作 : < 美麗是活出來的>) 經過4個月的孕育,終於出來了^ ^ 現在於所有香港各大書店及網上出售.


網上購買: http://www.openbooknet.com/show_book1.php?bookid=3141 海外: http://www.yesasia.com/global/美麗是活出來的/1022795108-0-0-0- zh_TW/info.html Read more

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

"To live a beautiful life" Book launched, available for purchase in all local book store and online

My new baby (1st book) was born yesterday ^^ After four months of writing, my first book finally came out ^^ NOW Available in all hong kong major book stores and online:


YesAsia.com...Read more

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares


JuJu Chan (陳鈺芸) Actress, Action Star, Pop Singer, Author, Hong Kong Taekwondo (ITF) Representative, Signature: double nunchucks


Hong Kong
November 2, 2008