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《 號外 City Magazine 1月封面人物》 余香凝 Jennifer Yu:愈平凡愈好戲?





Cinefan 電影節發燒友: http://cinefan.com.hk/

HKIFF #香港國際電影節: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

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【#CineFan ? 1/2月節目】黃愛玲的紅氣球 ?

去年今日,資深節目策劃兼影評人 #黃愛玲 告別凡塵。留下了精緻的電影研究評論,讓影迷透過情深細膩的文字,讀到影者的風格和時代的縱深。曾言在電影裏找到自己的紅氣球:「很慶幸,紅氣球始終都沒有離棄過我。」如今她隨紅氣球飄往遙遠國度,再續戲夢。

【CineFan ? Jan/Feb Programmes】Wong Ain-ling’s Red Balloon ?

One year has gone since our respected and beloved programmer and film critic Wong Ain-ling passed away. Finding her “red balloons” in films, she has already flew with them into the kingdom of heaven, leaving behind her lyrical words on films that continue to bring us into the sweet dreams of cinema.

【懷念黃愛玲】In Memory of Wong Ain-lin...Read more

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【#CineFan ? 1/2月節目】《禁忌》及《鄉村一日》:兩情相悅最動人時刻 ?

黃愛玲 以溫柔感性的目光,看透 #茂瑙 及 #雷諾亞 如何準確捕捉人物氣質神韻,描寫兩情相悅最動人的時刻:在《#禁忌》裏,一個小花環隨水漂流而下落在少年的手裏;


?《禁忌》| 奧斯卡金像獎最佳攝影 ?《鄉村一日》| 紐約影評人聯盟獎最佳外語片

【CineFan ? Jan/Feb Programmes】Moments of Intimacy in TABU and A DAY IN THE COUNTRY ?

From the aboriginal boy plunging with the girl into the immaculate waters of the pool in TABU, to the young man taking the girl to a boat ride flowing like a velvety river in A DAY IN THE COUNTRY, Wong Ain-ling sees the inge...Read more

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【#CineFan ? 1/2月節目】《小城之春》: 中國影史的傳世經典

《#小城之春》走向國際舞台,成為中國電影最具影響力的代表作之一,#黃愛玲 功不可沒。她與少數香港電影史學研究者重新發掘這部傑作,積極推廣普及,並曾主編《詩人導演— #費穆》等著作,是迄今涵蓋範圍最廣的研究專書。 把握機會,重溫這部在思維及美學上空前絕後的修復經典。

【CineFan ? Jan/Feb Programmes】SPRING IN A SMALL TOWN: Fei Mu's masterly Chinese drama

SPRING IN A SMALL TOWN has become one of the most celebrated Chinese films in international cinema, thanks to the endeavor of Wong Ain-ling and a few devotees of Hong Kong film history research. As the chief editor of the acclaimed book Poet Director Fei Mu, she has been dedicated to pro...Read more

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HKIFF43 香港國際電影節祝大家新年快樂!???

. 第43屆香港國際電影節主題是Colours in the Dark ?,正好呈現光影世界的豐饒多采。在2019年,讓我們一同走進戲院,欣賞世界各地多元的優質電影,在漆黑的氛圍下觀影,讓想像馳騁飛揚。 . HKIFF wish you a Happy New Year! ??? . The theme of HKIFF43 is Colours in the Dark. ? It represents the unparalleled experience everyone enjoys in the cinema - a place where light and shadow inspires imagination. In darkness, let your imagination run wild. . Photo by Wing SHYA Music by Marco IANNELLI Creative by Sunny HUANG Edited by Harry SHING . ?#CineFan 1/2月節目詳情 Jan/Feb Programmes: Read more

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【#CineFan ? 1/2月節目】夢好縈留,戲緣再續 ── 懷念黃愛玲❣️ . 對香港電影研究及HKIFF貢獻良多的節目策劃、影評人 #黃愛玲 離世快將一年,惜別依依,Cine Fan特別選映十部她喜愛的電影,包括她心中的深谷幽蘭《#小城之春》;令她怦然心動的《#女侯爵》;其慧眼賞識的《#萬世流芳》、《#走寶記》及《#小武》; 她看出以寂寞為主題的《#浮草》及《#林間小屋》;欣賞其男女情愛動人描寫的《#禁忌》及《#鄉村一日》;還有她形容為淨水的《#踏破鐵鞋無覓處》,希望她細膩雋永的文采,繼續引領我們尋夢。 . 【CineFan ? Jan/Feb Programmes】In Memory of Wong Ain-ling❣️ . In Memory of our respected and beloved programmer and film critic Wong Ain-ling, who passed away in January this year, Cine Fan presents a selection of ten films cherished by her, ranging from Chinese cinema canons, Asian classics and European masterpie...Read more

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【#巴比龍】被譽為電影史上最偉大的逃獄電影之一!?‍♂️? .

史提夫麥昆 繼《龍虎榜》後再演堅毅不屈的「巴比龍」,與 #德斯汀荷夫曼 飾演孤僻懦弱的囚犯情義相挺患難相扶。黑房禁錮、毒打挨餓、惡疾纏身未磨蝕逃獄壯志,白髮蒼蒼終不悔;麥昆親自上陣縱身跳崖投奔怒海,終見海闊天空。

讓蝴蝶振翅高飛,自由如風,不枉此生。 . 【#Papillon】The Greatest Adventure of Escape Ever Filmed! ?‍♂️? . The classic interpretation of what appears to be an autobiographical novel by Henri Charrière pairs an unstoppable Steve McQueen in the title role with a wondrously complicated companion, played by Dustin Hoffman. A symphonic rhythm of escapes, recaptures and new attempts that becomes a timeless saga of resilience and hope. .Read more

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CineFan 祝各位影迷聖誕快樂!??☃️

明日就是聖誕節,溫馨熱鬧的應節電影固然琳瑯滿目,不少大師也愛以聖誕節為背景或題材,卻拍出耳目一新的感覺,包括Cine Fan九、十月曾選映的英瑪褒曼經典《#芬妮與阿歷山大》,及明年一、二月將選映 #伊力盧馬 的傑作《#慕德家的一夜》,皆是精彩例子。 在此佳節,謹祝各位影迷聖誕快樂,眼福源源不絕,好戲陸續有來!?? . Merry Christmas to all film lovers! ??☃️ . Christmas is coming! Stop relying on the same old commercial films like HOME ALONE or LOVE ACTUALLY to get you in the festive mood; Ingmar Bergman’s FANNY AND ALEXANDER (screened in Cine Fan Sep/Oct Programmes) and Eric Rohmer’s MY NIGHT AT MAUD’S (to be screened in Cine Fan Jan/Feb Programmes) are two best examples of unconventional fi...Read more

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【#電影節發燒友 11/12月節目?】《孤島驚魂》與《着魔》:無冤不成夫妻??

情人、親人、仇人,夫妻究竟是何種關係?在波蘭斯基的金熊獎傑作《#孤島驚魂》,隱居孤島夫婦的平靜生活被粗暴劫匪突然闖入,易服癖鼠膽丈夫崇拜雄風,操控狂野貓少妻挑逗試探,暴虐、屈辱與背叛肆意猖狂; 在素羅斯基的奇片《#着魔》,康城及凱撒獎雙料影后伊莎貝雅珍妮化身精神分裂的處女與淫妻,森尼爾則由間諜丈夫分身為惡魔,慾望、憤抑及恐懼的現實與虛妄交纏。 . 【#CineFan Nov/Dec Programmes?】CUL-DE-SAC and POSSESSION: Hating the one you love? ? . What is a husband and wife relationship – lover, family or enemy? In Roman Polanski’s Berlinale Golden Bear winning satire CUL-DE-SAC, a withdrawn couple’s seemingly ordered world is broken by an eruption of nightmarish chaos – sexual perversity, betrayal and self-...Read more

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【#電影節發燒友 1/2月節目?】Cine Fan全新預告片首播,立即去片!

Cine Fan一、二月份起形象煥然一新,除了節目小冊子是全新設計外,預告片亦別創一格。仲等?即刻去片! . 【#CineFan Jan/Feb Programmes?】Cine Fan new trailer exclusive debut!

Cine Fan will greet you with a brand new image in 2019 – on top of the fresh outlook for the booking brochure, the trailer also has an invigorating look and feel. Exclusive for you, click to see now! . ? #伊力盧馬:廣受稱譽的「六個道德故事」 ?「黃金時代」新環節:一歐一美兩部殿堂級荷里活經典《#紅樓金粉》及《#銀色私生活》 ?「懷念 #黃愛玲」特輯:值她離世一周年,選映十部她喜愛的電影,包括《#小城之春》、《#禁忌》、《#浮草》 ? 銀幕再現:《#幕後玩家》、《#失憶大道》──揭露荷里活黑幕 . ?1/2月節目詳情 Jan/Feb Programmes: Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009