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【#CineFan】新增放映場地—#大館 ? New Venue for Cine Fan – #TaiKwun ✨

?活化後的中區警署建築群「大館」正式開幕, Cine Fan將陸續呈獻精選作品於大館放映,打頭陣的是「辣手神探:剛烈與柔情之間」,選映8部經典警匪片,包括三部修復經典─弗烈茲朗的《#M》、奧斯卡最佳影片《#月黑風高殺人夜》及《#雪花高離奇命案》(祖爾高安榮獲康城最佳導演,其妻法蘭絲麥杜曼則首奪奧斯卡影后),還有梅維爾遺作《#鐵血神探》、吳宇森的《#喋血雙雄》、北野武勇奪威尼斯金獅獎的《#花火》等。影迷在這個古蹟及藝術館觀賞兵賊鬥智鬥力,百分百現場實感! ?️ 節目詳情:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/period/2018-archive-zh-hant/jun-jul-zh-hant/

? Tai Kwun will become a new venue for Cine Fan! We are pleased to present film pr...Read more

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【#CineFan】英瑪褒曼「信與誠」百年紀念專輯 Ingmar Bergman, Faith and Faithfulness

?#英瑪褒曼 是不少大師心中的大師,今年正值其誕生百年紀念,Cine Fan 特別籌辦回顧展,讓影迷重溫永恆經典。六、七月先選映8部佳作,包括兩部被譽為完美之作的《#第七封印》及《#野草莓》、榮獲奧斯卡最佳外語片的《#處女之泉》、罕有於銀幕放映五小時電視足本的《#婚姻暗流》、在港首度曝光的《#面對面》足本、褒曼最浪漫輕盈的歌劇電影《#魔笛》等。還有瑪嘉烈特馮佐妲為紀念大師而拍的全新紀錄片《#尋找英瑪褒曼》,新鮮熱辣在康城首映,免費入場,萬勿錯過! ?️ 節目詳情:https://bit.ly/2G3uc6e

?On #IngmarBergman’s centenary, Cine Fan launches a retrospective in honor of the cinematic genius, who has brought a new level of psychological depth to cinematic arts. Our Jun/Jul ...Read more

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???‍?本會在去年為本地中學生舉辦了1️⃣9️⃣場「電影學堂」(包括在校園舉辦的 Films-in-Schools、在戲院進行的 Films-outside-Schools,以及以北區學生為對象的北區電影學堂),內容包括免費電影放映和映後談,讓一眾學生寓學習於娛樂,學會鑑賞電影之餘,又可理解故事背後的文化。 ☀️??8月的 #夏日國際電影節 將繼續有學生門票優惠,成為 #CineFan 電影節發燒友學生會員還可享用更多全年優惠!✅#本地全日制學生都適用

???‍?Last year, we held 1️⃣9️⃣ sessions of “Films-in-Schools”, “Films-outside-Schools” and “Films-outside-Schools in North District” for local secondary school students. These programmes include FREE film screenings and post-screening talks, which help the students learn more about film and the culture behind the stories, not to menti...Read more

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?《#雌雄大盜》、《#渾身是胆》、《#辣手神探奪命鎗》有何相同之處? 這三部電影除了是Cine Fan六、七月節目外,另一共通點就是海報均由著名設計師 #BillGold 設計。??‍?Bill Gold 設計的過人之處,是其勾勒的圖像能一覽概括整部電影的精髓,更自成藝術品,令人一見難忘。他剛於5月20日去世,終年97歲,一生創作了超過2,000張海報,包括《北非諜影》、《發條橙》、《電話情殺案》等,與經典電影一同名留影史。

?What do BONNIE AND CLYDE, DIRTY HARRY, and BULLITT have in common, except that these films are part of our Cine Fan Jun/Jul programmes? ?️Designer Bill Gold is the answer. He has been the man behind the eye-catching posters of these classic films, which remain iconic pieces of artwork today. Passed away on 20 May at the age of 97, Gold has an exce...Read more

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【#CineFan】荷索:《藍星人懷鄉曲》、《冰中漫行》 Herzog: THE WILD BLUE YONDER and ENCOUNTERS AT THE END OF THE WORLD


?#WernerHerzog travels to the Antarctica, where he finds this desolate and beautiful landscape attracts an alien who comes to earth searching for a new world only to build a couple of shopping malls, and also lures a group of unique scientists who have chosen to...Read more

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【#CineFan】珍甘比茵去年出席康城影展的《迷湖劫:中國女》首映禮,還與歷屆金棕櫚獎得獎導演拍攝大合照,而她是照片中唯一一位女性?——導演本人反應:Oh my God! What is going on???‍♀️ 除了女性議題,甘比茵在這篇訪問亦大談她拍攝《鋼琴別戀》和其他作品的經歷。這個週末,Cine Fan將放映她的近作《迷湖劫:中國女》。?️詳情:cinefan.com.hk

? Jane Campion joined all the male Palme d’Or-winners on stage at Cannes last year, and she was the lone woman. In this recent interview, Campion shares her thoughts on the challenges faced by female directors and how her films resonate with her personal experiences. This weekend, Cine Fan will show TOP OF THE LAKE: CHINA GIRL which has many themes hatched in THE PIAN...Read more

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? #CineFan 六、七月節目:票價更正 ? Cine Fan Jun/Jul Programme: Ticket Price Update

英瑪褒曼 的《面對面》及《婚姻暗流》(1-3 / 4-6),票價應為$85,謹此更正。宣傳冊子上的票價有誤,敬希見諒。

Please note that the ticket price for #IngmarBergman’s FACE TO FACE and SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE (1-3 / 4-6) should be $85. We’re sorry for the printing error on the programme brochure.

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【#CineFan】《天使與我同桌》、《不羈的美女:嬉戲曲》??‍♀ AN ANGEL AT MY TABLE and LA BELLE NOISEUSE: DIVERTIMENTO 天使與美女,是對女性的讚美,抑或加諸女性身上的樊牢?新西蘭女作家珍納費姆文釆風流、天才橫逸,為何被社會視為瘋癲、關進精神病院?艾曼妞琵雅的青春與誘惑胴體,難道只是為激發靈感枯竭老畫家的創作慾望?#珍甘比茵 大膽創新,以女性獨特視角,為天使賦予人文關懷,修築出感性軌道;#利維特 更為其康城得獎作品進行二次創作,將男與女、畫家與模特兒,由單向主導變為主次難分的角力,還予美女自主與自由。

Angel and La Belle, are these labels praise or curse? Is Janet Frame’s natural writing talent abnormal and vain, that she must be put into a mental institution for eight years? Is Emmanuelle Béart’s impetuous youth and body only a medium to inspire creativity of the reclusive mast...Read more

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?香港國際電影節請Senior Marketing Manager~ Click入網頁,查看有關詳情啦!

?We are hiring a Senior Marketing Manager. Check out the link below for more details on the requirements and job duties.

?? Details: https://bit.ly/2jsbBYT

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【#CineFan】荷索:《綠蟻夢鄉》、《小小迪特想要飛》?✈️ Herzog: WHERE THE GREEN ARTS DREAM and LITTLE DIETER NEEDS TO FLY


"Without adequate images, we will die out like dinosaurs." To #WernerHerzog, metaphoric images reflect his ecstatic truth. In WHERE THE GREEN ANTS DREAM, the image of the Australian Aborigines stopping the bulldozer from mining their sacr...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009