Gould Wu
音乐家, 摄影师
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Saturday, February 23, 2008


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Monday, February 18, 2008

  Time is waiting for nobody   DSC_9011

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Happy Valentine's Day


9th Feb, I fell into a same dream again, but....... dream comes true this time~

btw, my bear is same with the admin bear~

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Ecc gig at 3rd Feb

Thx for u guys coming~Sity, Edward, Fatlok, Carson, Davy, Ivan, San, Keith, Six, One, Chun......and thx 762 to take the photo for me~Little Fat Pig :DSC_8787.jpgDSC_8767.jpgDSC_8784.jpgsorry...i forgot her name...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares


Yesterday night, a call from kit

we go to tvb today

it is a band interview recording

and we can play one song there~~!

but the fxxking traffic jam.....

i cannot go there on time with my drum set.....

so, Eccentric is only three guys today......

and change our song to accoustic...

we spend a lot of money to wash my drum kit.....

becoz it was rainning..........

I don't have the infomation of the tv program now

but it will show on TVB Pay Vision in the future

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27/1 愛徒carson 同佢隊band第一次出showDSC_8693.jpg這傢伙應該都係紅色愛好者DSC_8668.jpgdavy一夜白髮....DSC_8667.jpg Sex Machinegun......??DSC_8674.jpgDSC_8677.jpgDSC_8682.jpgRead more

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My collections

7 years agoI start to collect my drumsticksthere are around 50 pairs!DSC_8603.jpgAlthough they are not working....DSC_8606.jpgAnd my favour model is 5ADSC_8611.jpgThis is the first brand I useDSC_8627.jpgThey got hurt........<aRead more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Ecc gig on Feb

ORBIS x CityU Wants You in "Eye Care, I Care"

在「用眼看.用心闖」籌款活動的第二部分,你有機會與本地8隊樂隊作近距離接觸。樂隊將以音樂力量發放護眼訊息。門票有限,欲購從速。切勿錯過一邊欣賞Band Show,一邊做善事的大好機會!

Part 2 of "Eye Care, I Care" is a band show which features 8 talented local bands. Through their musical power, local talents will deliver eye-care related messages. Get your tickets and enjoy the show for the good of the visually impaired community.

日期:2008年2月3日 (星期日)

Date: 3rd February, 2008 (Sunday)


Time: 6:30pm to 11:00pm...Read more

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Monday, January 21, 2008


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Birthday Party Time

15th JanHappy Birthday to Cain~Hotpot.....we felt very very very full......-------------------------------------------------------18 JanHappy Birthday to KiKi~She is not 23, this is just the bar's nameDSC_8537.jpgDSC_8484.jpgDSC_8500.jpgDSC_8496.jpgRead more

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
November 12, 2007